And Here’s Why

Ken Burnett
5 min readOct 9, 2020

And Here’s Why

And here’s why. In 2000 I moved to Sacramento and changed my life completely. Before then, I had a fully encompassing job that made a 12 hour day seem like a vacation. I usually worked 7 days a week from early to late and I was the boss. I lived and worked in a small town and the only news I got was from the local paper which was usually four or five pages. I read the funnies and did the crosswords. I kept abreast of whatever political happenings of the time from trade journals in order to steel myself for the next stupid regulation that some nimrod put forth. That’s it. I didn’t talk about politics, didn’t read about it, didn’t care.

I got to Sacramento and became a pretty much full time musician. And I was shocked when I found out that the majority of the people I became friends with and played music with and for were very liberal. I’d heard about liberals, but really only thought that was in the movies or something. It shocked me and it worried me. I was throwing my lot in with people who were diametrically opposed and vehemently so to everything I thought and believed. The first inkling was when a music friend asked me how I could be a conservative and be a musician at the same time. I didn’t understand and still don’t. But I have been hesitant to say what I really believe for fear my music career would suffer a major blow. Because of government all music careers are over and done and I’m good with that. So, I don’t much care anymore who likes me. Most so-called friends are only friendly to me because I play music, they don’t even really like me and I’m perfectly fine with that. I don’t really like most of them either

So, I have kept my beliefs largely under the covers for 20 years. I am a full-on libertarian. I believe we should be free to do whatever we want to do, whenever we want to do it, and solve all of our problems by ourselves. Yes, I believe abortion is fine if that’s what you want or need to do, I believe everyone should be able to own whatever and how many guns they want, (and keep bullets in the damned thing all the time, it’s not just a paperweight). I believe anyone should be able to marry whoever they want. I believe in total freedom. My feeling is the less laws, law enforcement, courts, jails, capitols, and institutions, the better off we are.

I believe people will be perfectly happy, safe, and well with no government at all. I also know that is an unrealistic belief. We have had laws, religions, and tyrants since the beginning of time, and people just jump on as they learn to live within all those false constructs and abolishing that construct is impossible, but I still think it is a worthy goal for humans. Complete freedom from any adverse control. We are not free, never have been.

Our system in America has been in place for a long time and it is entrenched, and people seem to be okay with all of it. The politicians who lord over us, never say anything. They all go to the same school to learn how to bullshit and dodge every single reasonable or unreasonable act, thought, or question, and they never do anything that will align them in any manner. Its bald face bullshit lies from the early morning until forever sticks its nasty ass in the wind.

I’m tired of it. Tired of the careful couching of phrases to explain why any law needs to have four or forty-thousand pages of bullshit with language that makes the whole thing incomprehensible to anyone including the idiots that supposedly write it. I doubt any Senator has ever written a damned thing. It’s all done by some fresh faced kid just out of college using all the big words they can come up with to say, “it is against the law to kill someone.” Not that hard to say that. Certainly, less than three hundred pages

Trump is the only politician in history to blurt out exactly what I was thinking. The only one. He’s no republican, he’s no democrat, he is nothing but a bag of fresh air and incredibly insensitive lines to stir the masses and anger most of them. Once again he follows my lead.

He has effectively shut down the wars all the other yoyos got us involved in. He told China to stick it in their collective asses. He shut down the fat-ass teenager in N. Korea, he told the mongrels in Iran to fuck off, he regularly chastises every European whiny ass turd for being whiny ass turds. He told Russia to fuck off as well, numerous times, but mostly he has upset the staid dipshits who call themselves leaders of our nation, cities, states, and counties. And he has particularly gone after the media who have been a complete disservice to all of us for a long, long time.

I took a journalism class at American River College back in 01 and the instructor’s first assignment for us was to write what we thought about George Bush and she instructed us that if we had ANYTHING at all good to say about him, we would never be journalists and we would fail her class. I told her to “fuck off, you’re an idiot.” And I turned hard to the right and left. And she was right. I am not a journalist. I know a few, most are good people, I suppose, but collectively they are the biggest problem in the world, bar none.

Trump is not a nice guy. He is a bully. I worked for someone just like him long ago when it was still considered a good trait. He made me a better salesman and he made me money. He is still a bully thirty years later, still a drunken fool, and still runs a very successful dealership. I don’t have to like someone to know they are doing a good job. I thought he was an asshole, and I told him so a few times.

I’m not going to go into all the good Trump has done, but he has made the country more like what I would want it to be. Not all the way by any means. We will never, at least in my lifetime, be what I envision. But I really don’t care about that anymore either. I’m closer to the end than the beginning, so I just don’t give much of a shit.

But most of all, he is not the snide, slippery behind your back crook that all the rest of those yoyos are. It always amazes me when someone calls him a liar. What a fucking joke. There is not a politician in office anywhere that isn’t lying every time they open their mouth. I would venture to say, they have never uttered a single truth except maybe, “I have to take a shit.”

So there.



Ken Burnett

I am a car salesman/musician/storyteller You can find me musically, elsewhere but her are some car sales stories, Just some Readin’ Material