Day Eleven

Ken Burnett
2 min readAug 11, 2020

Onward. Day eleven. No Facebook, no news, no bullshit. I do get some chirps from another guy who has an office in the same building as me, but that’s all one-side. My side, I should admit, mostly, but unwanted. I don’t want to hear about it, whatever it is. As far as I can tell, pretty much everything in the world is made up crap. There is no news. It’s not that it is bad or good, it’s just crap designed to give someone a job. Even my goddamed Word Spellcheck told me using the word “crap” may be offensive to someone. It’s my word, fuck spell check.

It is really a lot harder to ignore and dismiss all the media than you might imagine. Even the commercials on the TV are evilly sinister attempts to control my mindset. And the public service announcements made by various bureaucracies are designed to elicit responses that follow the normalization guides of our overlords. And the really sinister thing about that is we pay for all of it whether we like, agree, or not.

The newest atrocity is the complete annihilation of the black race. Before now the black folks had cause to protest and bitch about their treatment, from cops, from businesses, from white people, all of it. And they did, but no one listened at all. We had riots in the sixties, marches, and pleas for equality, and the march moved on its slow progress. But the totally racist white do-gooders have co-opted the whole thing now, and the protests are coming from the elite white with all the virtue signaling we could even imagine fueling their way.

Those people don’t give a shit about black people. If their car broke down in the middle of the street in Del Paso Heights or Watts, they would be calling for Uber to get them out of Dodge in a hurry. I think most of those virtuous white people hate black people, are scared of them, and really would rather they go the way of the dinosaur. Prove it for yourself. Take a drive and see where the white people protest for the blacks. They stay in lily white neighborhoods where they feel safe. It’s just more crap, offensive as that may sound.

The whole thing is being designed and run by the same idiots who designed Word, which has elected to underline a great portion of this essay in an attempt to cower me into acquiescing and becoming one of the virtue signaling pieces of shit who live in midtown and east Sac. I probably won’t. And I have deliberately left the bullshit behind that resides on Facebook. It’s all crap.

Not to say there are not good white people standing up for black folks. There are plenty of them and the true advocates are probably as disgusted with the crap as I am, they just can’t say it because the trash will block them, report them, and Facebook will put them in timeout sitting in the corner with their handy dandy mask and dunce cap firmly rooted to their heads.



Ken Burnett

I am a car salesman/musician/storyteller You can find me musically, elsewhere but her are some car sales stories, Just some Readin’ Material